Thursday, October 7, 2010

countdown to the brec

Count Down to the B.R.E.C.
The Hockey team’s long wait is all but over
By: Jake Kelly and Zuzka Tomcikova

story #3
With the final week before the opening of the B.R.E.C. [Bemidji Regional Event Center] the BSU hockey players are teaming with anticipation. Because the event center isn’t ready yet and the cost of putting ice in the John Glas Field-house is too high both men’s and woman’s teams are practicing at the Bemidji Curling Club until the official opening of the event center. 
The trip back and forth between campus and the curling club arena is starting to annoy some players “I don’t want to complain but it’s really inconvenient to pack up all your equipment and drive over only to have to come back two hours later,” said Marlee Wheelhouse, a junior on the women’s hockey team.
Since beginning construction in 2009, hockey players and fans have been anxious for the new event center to open. The event center will be used for concerts, performances, and conferences. However, the main purpose for its construction is to be the new home arena for the BSU men’s and woman’s hockey teams. Due to the men’s entrance into the WCHA [Western Collegiate Hockey Association] a new facility became necessary to better suit the league requirements.
After a long building process, the time is finally here for the B.R.E.C. to be used and players are ready to move in. “I just can’t wait to get settled in,” said senior forward Erin Johnson. “It seems like we’ve been waiting so long for the event center to open and now that it’s only a few days away time seems to be going by even slower.”
The event center is in the process of putting the ice in because the hockey teams are a week away from their first opportunity to use the new arena. The only thing holding up the process of moving in to their new facilities is the occupancy permit, “The occupancy permit is a legal document stating the structure is safe enough to use,” said Women’s Assistant Hockey Coach Heather Farrell. “The City of Bemidji and the Krausse Anderson Company [The creators of the B.R.E.C.] have to do a structural inspection of the building before they give us the permit to use it.”
A few of BSU’s hockey players have seen the new facility, “The new locker rooms are amazing,” said Darcy Findlay. “There’s so much room for us to relax before practice or games. The training room also made some serious upgrades.” Matt Carlson said, “I knew the B.R.E.C. was supposed to be nice but this passed all our expectations. We’re all really excited to get moved in soon.”
The first home series are set to be played Oct. 15th and 16th and fans are eager for the season to start. The new conference and event center have caused a lot of excitement among the community, BSU students and alumni are anticipating the official opening. “I’m so excited to go watch the first home game in the B.R.E.C. I bought season tickets right when they were available so I feel like I’ve been waiting forever to use them,” said Jared Madrino.
 The B.R.E.C. has caused a lot of conversation around campus and the community and on Oct. 15th, 2010 the beaver fans and players will get to experience what they’ve been anticipating.

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