Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tailgating Back in Business

Tailgating Back in Business
New President, New policies
By: Jake Kelly and Zuzka Tomcikova
story #2
            During Dr. Jon Quistgaard’s tenure as president at BSU, tailgating in Diamond Point Park was strictly dry [no use of alcohol] but was welcome to family and friends alike to participate in pre-game festivities before BSU's football team kicks off a home game. Although plenty of enjoyment was had during these events the prohibited use of alcohol was always a topic of conversation among students and parents.
            Dr. Richard Hanson took over BSU's presidency this summer after the retirement of Dr. Jon Quistgaard in the spring. This change in leadership also brought about a change in the policies. Alcohol will be allowed in Diamond Point Park before events taking place in Chet Anderson stadium.
            Hanson explained that he wanted to foster a festive and friendly environment but to also allow those, who are of age, to enjoy the option of consuming alcoholic beverages before games. This change in policies has some students excited. "I really like the fact that we're given the option to drink some beers before a game," said BSU student Brian Renkes. "It makes tailgating and grilling more fun and it seems like more of a college atmosphere."
            Some, however, have doubts about the change "It's not that I mind the consumption of alcohol. I just feel like some people may get out of control and I don't really want to deal with them," said Mike Gryte, a student worker at the gate checking tickets, "I would feel bad for someone who I had to turn away because they were too intoxicated."
            Hanson said that he didn't want it to be a place where people come and get out of hand. He just wants fans to have the freedom to enjoy themselves within the realm of reason and to be responsible and courteous enough to not cause problems.
            "I love the policy change, it allows us adults to have a little more fun watching our kids play," said Stephanie Dale. Her son is a tight end for the Beavers, who had their home opener on September 11th. This was the first event since the new policy took place. "It was great seeing all the parents and fans." said Stephanie Dale "Everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun and I didn't ever get the feeling that things were getting too rowdy."
            This new rule only applies to students aged twenty-one and older. Montana Vichorek said, "It doesn't bother me that people around me are drinking. I know I'm not allowed to but I still have a lot of fun hanging out with my friends who are of age."
            Whether people are for the consumption of alcoholic beverages or against it, most seem to be participating in the festivities. The support and turn out from the community on the 11th was remarkable. The policy change seemed to have no adverse affects as the game went on smoothly and without complications.

Montana Vichorek, 20, BSU student interested in the
New policy.
Brian Renkes, supporter of the new tailgating policy.
Diamond Point Park, area where fans enjoy the grill
BSU’s Chet Anderson stadium, home of the Beavers.

Word count: 533

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