Monday, September 20, 2010

More Students Buying College Textbooks Off-Campus

College textbook costs are on the rise – which has some students worried.

By: Taylor Klinke

Every school year college students around the country are deciding how or where to purchase their college textbooks. Most college freshman start off buying their textbooks at the campus bookstore but then discover from friends or other students that it may be cheaper to search for used books online.

“I think the cost of books from the bookstore is absolutely ridiculous,” said BSU sophomore Melissa Morrison, “A used book shouldn’t cost me $100.”

On average, college students are spending $900 per semester on textbooks. That’s $1,800 for one year – and if you want to get technical - $7,200 for a four-year degree.

There are a lot of factors that go into the total cost of a textbook. About 64 cents of each dollar you spend on a new textbook goes back to the publisher – the bookstore receives just under 23 cents, the author 11 cents, and that extra penny or two goes to the freight company that delivered the books to the store. Publishers make no money when too many used books are in circulation so they release new editions every couple of years - It’s the only way they can make money and continue to publish books.

Some college professors like Janet Prater understand where students are coming from, “I think the cost of books is often very high for students. Students are strapped with rising costs all around.”
But BSU professor Mark Lawrence has a different opinion; “The cost of a textbook is the very last thing on my mind when I assign students a text from which I hope they will learn something.”

More and more students like Melissa Morrison are using the Internet or other sources to buy used textbooks, which has the campus bookstore trying to come up with new ways to help students. “Our goal is to ensure that you, the student, has the right materials to educate you for your future,” said BSU bookstore manager Dustin Enockson, “While I can tell you the industry is changing and e-textbooks, or digital, are becoming more popular, the bookstore is committed to offer as many choices for the student as possible.”

New this year to the BSU bookstore are rental textbooks and NOOK study digital e-readers. Renting a textbook is 55% cheaper than a buying a new book - while digital books can range from 25-50% cheaper than a new book.  

So if you’re worried about covering the costs of your textbooks – try to be one of the first to the bookstore next semester. You’ll have first pick at books available to rent and chances are you’ll get other great deals. Maybe the bookstore isn’t for you - so buy online, purchase e-books, or share books with a friend. If you need to, take out a loan. The cost of college is high but nothing is worth more than graduating and having a degree.

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