Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Men’s season’s hockey tickets go on sale
Long wait for students ends in reward
By Luke Landgraf
Word count:575
The BSU men’s hockey tickets went on sales Sept 8th.  They were sold out in the first three hours.  Many students went to go wait in line at 11 o’clock the night before.  Students brought blankets and pillows to sleep through the night. Other students fell asleep on the benches near the door.  The tickets were sold at Upper Union. 
“With the new rink tickets were expected to go a little faster than normal,” said Robin Stalberger, a worker at Upper Union.  The Hockey games this year will be played at the new BREC Arena.  This is located on the other side of Lake Bemidji. “When we started selling tickets there had to be at least 200 to 300 kids in line,” she said “ this whole process was exciting once we got things started . . .There were a couple things that slowed down the ticket selling, the credit card machine was not printing receipts.”  With having roughly 200-300 kids in line there was some frustrating moments.  “ Many of them were trying to get to class after they got their tickets,” said Robin “I felt bad for the kids who got budged in front of in line.  Once we started giving out receipts, students could come back later and buy their tickets .”
 Little did students know that were sitting by the north door of Upper Union there were students sitting by the south door as well.  The students that were sitting by the south door got let in the building first.  “Most of the kids who were sitting by the north door were the ones who were waiting all night,” said Emily Geiser a freshman at BSU.   “When we eventually got let in the doors we were in the back of the line,” said Emily “The most frustrating thing wasn’t the fact that we were in back of the line waiting it was that there were a lot of people who showed up at like 5 am that were in front of us.”  The line weaved though Upper Union and out the door.  “When we were let in the door we were sitting in the wrong place and we were not really in line.” 
The hockey tickets increased a little bit from last year.  Students that got their tickets with their priority point got their tickets in advanced and didn’t have to wait in line.  “I am glad I got my tickets in advanced,” said Brady Scott a BSU sophomore.  “I heard the line was crazy and people were waiting at like 11 that night.”  There were many students who showed up 10 o’clock that morning who still got their season tickets.   “I knew that they might still have tickets in the morning but I did not want to risk it,” said Emily “ I had fun waiting outside with my friends but I wish they would have been  more organized.”

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Taken by Haley Dillan
Haley Dillan, Larissa Kranz, Kurt Andersen, Emily Deakins, Kelcy Longendyke did whatever they could to waste time while waiting for their season tickets.  Even if it was playing tricks on the security guard, that was watching the students.

 picture 2

Taken by Britney Lovro
Britney Lovro a BSU student found herself a nice comfy bench to sleep on while she waited in line to get her men’s season hockey tickets.

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